Your Help Needed. It is time for this Sculpture to find a home.

“We are not apart from nature.  We are a part of nature.”

As a writer, you have heard me say that my work has been a search for an authentic American spirituality, a place where the rich humanity of the Judeo Christian tradition met with the profound earth bound humility of Native American belief.

Thirty years ago, as a sculptor, I committed to making one final image that would embody that spirituality.

It was to be an echo of a crucifixion, an homage to the heartfelt Medieval crucifixes of northern Europe enlivened and defined by the haunting power of nature.

The only way I could do this authentically was to allow the forces of nature to have their hand in the sculptural process.

And so this piece, slightly smaller than life size and carved from a living piece of black walnut, has now been given life by thirty years of weathering by the forces of nature.

It has lay in the hot summer sun, stood against the harsh forces of winter snows and winds. It spent a year submerged among the shifting sands and lapping waters of a deep northern Minnesota lake, and seasons touched by the gentle breezes and changing light of autumns and springs.

It has taken its final form at the hand of nature in a way that could never have been done by human touch, and I now wish it to find a final resting place in a church or meditation setting where it can speak to anyone who sits in its presence.

To do this, I need to find a setting and I need to find a donor. Or, failing this I will need to run a kickstarter to pay for the piece and its transportation and erection on its final site.

This is a labor of love and finality for me. I will very likely never do another sculpture, and this piece, that I have always called “Angelus,” says everything that, as a sculptor, I have needed to say.

If you know of a setting, or know of a donor, or wish to be part of this journey of passage, please contact me either through this site or at

18 thoughts on “Your Help Needed. It is time for this Sculpture to find a home.”

  1. It’s beautiful. I have no specific ideas, nor the finances to cover the costs, but I would love to see it go somewhere on native lands – perhaps Red Lake or Pine Ridge. Perhaps that’s too obvious, and we need it with all of the reminders it brings, on white land, where we’re less accustomed as a people to honoring the earth. I don’t know. But I believe that it will go to where it’s needed most. Bless you for your patience and thought in the way you created this.

  2. I’m in complete agreement. A Native setting where there are honorable efforts to practice the Jesus Way would be ideal. I have some friends in Native communities who are followers of Jesus, though many of them would not accept the designation as Christian due to what Christianity has done to their people over the years. I’m looking in this direction. But at this point all I can do is reach my hand in that direction and hope that some hand reaches back.

  3. I wish this could be on the grounds in the garden of the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C.
    or in the museum itself and dedicated there to all the values that they wish to teach us at that wonderful place. It would be seen by a great variety of people and would be a wonderful piece of art for all to draw meaning from. What a great addition it would be to the Museum.

  4. Corrine Slaughter

    There is a place for connecting to the museum on their website. I have written a suggestion to them. I realize they perhaps get zillions of contacts but I feel so strongly this sculpture should have world wide attention I wrote a note today.

  5. I love the idea of the garden at the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, DC. It would get the recognition and respect it deserves. I love the heart that emanates through this sculpture… it speaks volumes. Let your readers know how we can help with donations. Perhaps collectively we can help accomplish your goal of setting this beautiful labor of love to its final resting place.

  6. That is very kind of you, Corrine, and I would love to see something happen in this regard. But my feeling is that this piece will find a home in some small church or meditation garden setting. We shall see what transpires.

  7. There is a wonderful place in Pine Ridge called the Pine Ridge Retreat Center partnered with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. I know they have gone to great lengths to walk in accompaniment with the Native people there. It offers great opportunities for people to come alongside each other and learn from each other.

    I am also familiar with Dakota Oyate Lutheran Church on the Spirit Lake Reservation. When I hear these piece being formed and refined by the water, the people of Spirit Lake tribe come to mind. Pastor Thiele would be a wonderful person to talk to.
    Blessings on where ever it finds its home.

  8. There are some small churches near Red Lake that would be wonderful – pastor Mark Olson is Doing interesting work with developing leaders for the Episcopal and Lutheran Church

  9. Kent—I would offer our Journeys End Center as a place for your sculpture, knowing we would be way way down the list. We have 26 acres 3 miles outside of Custer, SD in the very heart of The Black Hills of SD. We do spiritual retreats here, host guests from all over the United States, and offer a place for folks to come for renewal. I am a re-retiring United Methodist Pastor–meaning I retired and then served another church for almost 9 years. I am hoping to do more retreats and events when I am not serving a church. I have been active in Native ministries (not native myself) and have hosted several ministry groups here at our home. I have no idea what the cost for moving the statue or it’s value or how it would have to be set up—but If you run out of ideas–we could be down your list. Thanks

  10. Corrine Slaughter

    Another would be the art collection at the Mayo Clinic……..representative of ALL people who come there from the U.S. and all lands…..a place of healing (body, mind and soul) and a representation of Native American connections belongs here. A lovely possibility in the chapel of all faiths at Mayo Clinic…….

  11. Manette T. Callahan

    Good afternoon,
    I am coming late to this site and have read your request and suggestions given as welll as blessings to wherever this sculpture finds a home. It will be the right place for visitors to to enjoy and be inspired. Please email return with final placement so we may visit. Thank you.

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