You would not believe the garbage that gets dumped into the “comments” section of a blog.
There are messages in Russian and Chinese that run to several thousand words, tons of posts trying to get me to buy NFL jerseys or Michael Jordan shoes, gobbledygook that puts key words into unintelligible phrases for reasons I can’t understand, and streams of generic computer-generated comments claiming to love the post but actually having no reference to the post while trying to get me to click on and approve them for some arcane cyber hustling purpose.
This is all above my pay grade and even farther above my interest level. I just wish they’d go away.
But they don’t.
So, rather than weed them out one by one, I periodically have my webmaster install spam blockers. But these too often block legitimate messages from you readers. This is what has been happening lately. My apologies. We have taken off the spam blockers, so you can comment again without fear of being blocked. I never edit or refuse legitimate comments, no matter what the point of view. You will once again be able to see your responses posted unless you are in fact selling nylon stockings from Singapore or wishing to share pictures of yourself from Irkutsk.
Thanks for staying with me. I appreciate you all.
So very sorry!!! They like to try to make you buy everything!!
What I said was Yes, I’d buy the book if you republish it!!
I would love to see that book republished. Like most great books I’ve learned from, I loan then out. Alas, this one got away! I truly hope all goes well for you as your writing has been a part of my life. Nothing to but to do it Ken.
Best regards,
Yes! I am with you. My friend and I both have bought and read “Neither Wolf Nor Dog, The Wolf at Twilight, & The Girl Who Sang to the Buffalo.” I now have my daughter reading them. TY for writing them. So we are in support of your “kickstarter”. Which of your books do you suggest we read next?? Growing circle of fans here in New York!
Alan Michels
what a shame Kent that something worthwhile gets slammed 🙁 I enjoy your posts and may not always comment, but I save what you share for reflection later on. Thank you for persevering. Apparently this problem is becoming more severe as several of the blogs and FB posts I follow are commenting on this difficulty.
Hello Kent,
I will send a second message to you, hopefully it is not redundant. A Haunting Reverence is the only book that you have written that I do not have in my collection. I would be delighted to be included in your mailing list when your new project comes to fruition. Good luck on this new endeavor..
I do hope that the showings of your film have been well received. I really regret that we were unable to be in Brookings to be a part of your participation there.
Vicki and I will be flying to Rome in two weeks and then cruise the Atlantic via Spain to Ft. lauderdale. Retirement is good!
Best regards,
Larry O
Boy, that’s a hard one. It is a cliche to say that an author’s books are like children: it’s impossible to choose a favorite. I suggest going to Amazon and reading a sample from each. If it is the Native dimension that you like, you should give Chief Joseph a try. But the homiletic books each have a unique character, as well.
Sorry you have to go through that! Life is no longer simple, things get in the way. As always I wish for you and your family, love, peace and happiness.
Dear Kent,
It was a great pleasure and honour meeting you and your wife last month and having an opportunity to share ideas and sharing the delicious salmon at the Makah Days. I would certainly be willing to participate and like to learn more about the project.
Love and Peace,
Christa Stigter