The vote is in . . .

And there is no clearcut winner. 

I was surprised to find that there were cogent and heartfelt cases made for each of the proposed options.  But, in the last analysis, I decided, for this first project, to go with Small Graces.  Personally, I was leaning toward the compilation — and if this Small Graces project works, I will definitely consider the compilation — but two simple observations touched me and swayed my mind.  The first was by a woman who said that her mother kept Small Graces by her bedside while she was dying.  The second was by a woman who observed that the audiobooks would be of value to those with failing eyesight. 

Putting these two observations together, I decided that recording a book that has, for whatever reason, touched a lot of hearts and resonated with many people in times of stress and suffering, would be the right first project.  I thought of my own mother, now well into her eighties, and the difficulty she has in reading and concentrating.  If, by recording Small Graces, I can offer something of value to people like her, I will feel that my efforts are worthwhile.

Personally, the idea of the compilation is intriguing, because I know the pieces that have resonated with readers over the years, and I know my quiet and often overlooked favorites.  All of these together would create a coherent whole, but they would appeal more to people who have already read my books.  Perhaps I will get to this if the Small Graces recording finds an audience.

But, for now, it is Small Graces.  I am going into the studio tomorrow.  With a bit of luck, we should have finished CDs available sometime in September.  I’ll get a button put up on the website for those of you who would like to purchase a copy. 

One final note — when the request was made for your input, some of you wrote to me by using the “comments” option; others wrote by using the “contact me” option.  The comments are posted to the website; the notes sent through the “contact me” are sent directly to me and do not go to the website.  That is why some of you did not see your comments posted. 

Thanks again for your help.  

 I hope that you find the outcome worthwhile.


1 thought on “The vote is in . . .”

  1. Great choice! My parents, who have been married 44 years this November, go to sleep every night, one hand over the other’s, listening to music or an audiotape. I’ll look forward to adding this to their audiolibrary (and mine too, of course!).

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