The Traveling and speaking begins. Come one, come all

I have a spate of speaking engagements coming up this summer and fall.  Here is a starter list.  I’d love to see any of you if you are somewhere nearby. I’ll also post more specifics as the dates get closer.  More may be added.  Keep an eye to the “Upcoming Events” box in the lower right corner of my home page for more specifics.  And should you be part of any group that would like to have me come and speak with you, or be present at a showing of the film of Neither Wolf nor Dog, get in touch and we can discuss arrangements.

Let’s start with my speaking tour through South Dakota to present on Neither Wolf nor Dog, which was chosen as the “One Book” selection for the entire state.  Events like these are hog heaven for me:  a rental car, cheap motels, intimate gatherings in mostly small towns, and friendly, face to face encounters.

Tue, June 4 – 7 PM CT – Watertown
Watertown Regional Library, 160 6th St. NE

Wed, June 5 – 7 PM CT – Sisseton
Nicollet Tower Interpretive Center, 45356 SD Hwy. 10 (3.5 miles west
of Sisseton)

Thu, June 6 – 7 PM CT – Aberdeen
K.O. Lee Aberdeen Public Library, 215 Southeast 4th Ave.

Fri, June 7 – 7 PM MT – Timber Lake
Timber Lake Museum, 800 Main St.

Sat, June 8 – TBA

Sun, June 9 – 2 PM MT – Rapid City
Rapid City Public Library Downtown, 610 Quincy St.

Mon, Jun 10 – 12 PM MT – Custer
Custer County Library, 447 Crook St, Suite 4

Mon, Jun
10 – 5:30 PM MT – Kyle Oglala Lakota College, Woksape Tipi Library &
Archives, 490 Piya Wiconi Rd.

Tue, Jun 11 – 12 PM CT – Lower Brule
Lower Brule Community College, 111 Little Partisan Ln.

Wed, Jun 12 – 7 PM CT – Pierre
Capitol Lake Visitors Center, 650 E. Capitol Ave.

Thu, Jun 13 – 12 PM CT – Miller
Hand County Library, 402 N. Broadway Ave.

Thu, Jun 13 – 7 PM CT – Brookings
Brookings Public Library,  515 3rd St.

Fri, Jun 14 – 12 PM CT – Sioux Falls
Siouxland Library Downtown Branch, 200 N. Dakota Ave.

Sat, Jun 15 – 2 PM CT – Yankton
Yankton Community Library, 515 Walnut St.

Mon, June 17 —”Brown bag lunch,” audience invited, on South Dakota Public Broadcasting’s “The Moment” in Vermillion.  Time TBA.

Sun., Aug 25, University of South Dakota in Vermillion.  Specifics forthcoming.

Sat., Sun., Sept 14,15 — “The Mindful Eye” — a workshop for anyone interested in the arts.  La Veta, Colorado.

Fri, Sat, Sun, Sept. 20, 21, 22 — Jaipur Literary Festival, Boulder, Co.

Thurs, Friday, Sat, Sun., October 3,4,5,6 — South Dakota Festival of the Books, Deadwood, South Dakota.

Wed, Nov 6 — Loras College, Dubuque, Iowa


13 thoughts on “The Traveling and speaking begins. Come one, come all”

  1. Nope. But I will be passing through on the 26th and 27th of this month, and perhaps a day or two more, as well. Flying into the Twin Cities and heading north to Duluth before turning around and aiming to SD.

  2. Nothing. Just going up for my son, Nik’s birthday. He’s a filmmaker and all around excellent human being. Check him out on facebook and make a connection if you live in the area. We’re trying to set something up along the north shore for this fall.

  3. I very much want to see the film “Neither Wolf Nor Dog.” I’ve seen you speak here in Cedar Falls, IA a few times, and own many of your books, many of which are loaned to friends continually! I’d be interested in driving to Dubuque IA; will you be showing your film there?

  4. Walking through my local library last week, I came across an unshelved book and curiously picked it up – only to find myself holding a copy of Neither Wolf nor Dog, a story I’d been intending to read for a long time. Talk about a book putting itself quite literally in my path! 🙂 I finished it in two days and cannot wait to begin The Wolf at Twilight. Thank you for your writing; it is so beautiful and real. I live in eastern Minnesota but hope to head west this summer to one of the events listed above.

  5. I just finished Neither Wolf nor Dog and have started The Wolf at Twilight. Your books are fantastic; so thought provoking … their content will remain with me for my whole life; I think every American should read at the very least, these two books, and preferably your others. I definitely believe these two should be required reading in all schools, as they are quintessential history far better than history taught in schools. Do you ever come Florida for your speaking engagements; I will be in Portland, OR in September for two weeks; do you have any events planned in Oregon at any time? Thank you so much for your insightful and fabulous writing.

  6. Talked with a dancer in the lenni-lenpae tribe here in NJ…about upcoming pow wow…was unfamiliar with your books…so I will be dropping off one ….looking forward to his take…while a road trip for us here is possible in the fall…di you ever come east?…some fellow readers are contemplating a niether wolf nor dog/kent nerburn eastern division in hopes of luring you out here!…..great books that should be required reading for all tribes…not….native american

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