Surprise discovery! A rare cache of self-recorded CD’s of Small Graces for sale to you, my readers

I was doing a little housekeeping and came across a forgotten cache of CD’s of Small Graces that I recorded at a studio deep in the woods in northern Minnesota. It is the only recording of my work that has my voice. I listened to it today and it filled me with warm memories. That was a good book; those were good days.

Small Graces was one my quietest books, and certainly my most domestic. People read it at their bedsides.  More than one reader has told me that his or her elderly parents wanted this book read to them in the evening.  When you get a book that people read out loud, you have created something special.  Now you can hear me reading it out loud.  You hear it the way it sounded in my mind when I wrote it.

I’d like to make these few copies available to you, my readers and followers. You will not be getting a slick package, but you will be getting my voice, a rare copy of a deeply personal reading of one of my quietest and most loved books, and a personally signed cover with an image of the view from our dearly loved home on our lake in northern Minnesota.

I was excited to find these copies and I am excited to offer them to you. I have no store set up, so you will have to send me a check for $20 at 885 Lake Forest Drive, Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034. As soon as I receive it, I’ll send the CD out to you. I think it is a very sweet and beautiful reading, and I’m proud of it. I think you will enjoy it.

12 thoughts on “Surprise discovery! A rare cache of self-recorded CD’s of Small Graces for sale to you, my readers”

  1. Douglas E O'Neill

    Kent when do expect to have your next book available for release?
    I like other are looking forward to it. I need another road to travel other than the over used social media and hype. Your writing and observations are greatly appreciated and looked forward when you make the time to talk us on your web.
    You have given be inspiration to attempt to write a story also. What a trip of ups and downs and not knowing where I am heading in this journey I call confusion of the mind. BUT what fun!! All I know is that the story has a starting point and an end…its in the middle that I feel like I am travelling on a road filled with ‘mind clutter’ and make little progress more often than not. However I try and do enjoy the experience of a unique frustration of fun and insight that I did know I had. My map quote for this quest is..”All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them.” ~ Walt Disney

    Thank you for all the insights and questions you have asked me to consider thru your great writings.


  2. Donna Leigh Austin

    Ha ha ha! A check? Kent, you’re killing me.I haven’t used my checkbook in three addresses. And a stamp? Good gracious. Nevertheless, it’s on the way, with my current address tucked inside. (It is actually much more intimate, and so very appropriate.)
    Can’t wait to hear this in your voice. Very excited. <3

  3. Hi Kent,
    Hope you are doing well. I would like a cd of Simple Gifts….I’ll send you a check tomorrow.
    Sue (you’re Bloomington REI friend)

  4. Betty and Steve Wignes

    My check is in the mail. Can’t wait to share with my bookclub. We are reading Small Grace’s this month!

  5. The check is written.
    I’m working on an issue with a relative (back-stabbing, stolen inheritance, fraud – not my words, but words of objective viewers and a lawyer).
    I will be fine. Anything that has the word “grace” in it captures my attention!

    The check is in the mail tomorrow.
    Thank you for this offer. No response needed.

  6. Hi Kent. I have been reading your book, SMALL GRACES, this afternoon. And I felt as if I were hearing your voice as I read. I love all your writings, and I have shared them with my friends. I appreciate our friendship.

  7. I’m sending a check out tomorrow. It will be nice to listen to the words instead of reading for a change as I never do audiobooks. Can’t wait to get it.

  8. Check out Dancing with the Gods or it’s paperback version, The Artist’s Journey, for a look at the process you are going through. You will find the voice of a friend in those pages. As to my new book, Lone Dog Road, it is not yet clear if it will be out this fall, next spring, or next fall. Stay tuned. It’s a wonderful book, if I do say so myself. When you get far enough from the actual creation you can just sit back and marvel at what you’ve accomplished. That’s where I am on Lone Dog Road. You will be in the same place if you persevere on you literary journey. Keep the faith, my friend.

  9. Small Graces are a huge blessing, Kent.

    An audio will complete and enhance your books.

    How do I know? I’ve seen and heard you in person.

    Your books help ground and center us. Especially your voice.

    You speak from the heart, as we all need to, in this stolen land.

    I’ll get a check in the mail. My children and grandchildren will be happy.
    (I’m sure they’d rather hear your voice than mine, for a change.)

    Here’s a link to the video Paha Sapa: A Skier’s Journey if you haven’t seen.

    Connor Ryan is full-blooded Lakota Sioux who was adopted and grew up here in Boulder Colorado.

    “We can never get our land back, but we can remember.” He’s helping corporations remember whose land they’re on.

    He found his way back to Paha Sapa driving, walking, hiking, camping and skiing in the silence and solitude of the Black Hills.

    It is true, the land, sky, sun and moon, even curious creatures, will speak to our heart if we can sit or be still long enough in nature.

    Connor is helping the younger people of his nation to embrace nature everywhere they go, even a small tree or leaf that tell its story.

    Many Blessings Kent, and to everyone who loves and appreciates the great gifts you’ve given us, like no other. We are the better for it.

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