Speaking in Minnesota in October

Hello all,

After a short run out to Pine Ridge to peer in on the filming of Neither Wolf nor Dog, I will be returning to my old home state for several speaking engagements.

On the 6th of October I will be speaking at the Better Brew Coffee House in Pine Island, Minnesota, at 7 p.m.

On the 7th of October I will be speaking at the Cannon Falls public library at 6:30 p.m.

Both presentations will be on The Girl who Sang to the Buffalo.

On the 12th I will be speaking before the 9 and 11 o’clock masses at St. Joan of Arc in Minneapolis, and will be doing a reading and discussion at the church at 1 p.m.  I will be discussing what I have learned from working with Native cultures and what I believe we, as individuals and as a culture, have to learn from their experiences and ways of life.

All events are open to everyone, and I’d love to see some of you so I can attach faces to names.

12 thoughts on “Speaking in Minnesota in October”

  1. Mr Nerburn, I just read about you speaking on Oct. 6th in Pine Island, MN. We are going to drive 6 hours to come listen to you speak at the Better Brew Coffee House so I’m wondering how early we should get there to be assured of a seat ? Also wanted to let you know that on BETTER BREW’s website–they have you listed on their EVENTS calendar as speaking at 6 p.m., not at 7 p.m. Do you know which is the correct time ? thanks in advance….

  2. Masses are at 9 and 11. I will be speaking only for a short time before each — maybe 10 minutes or so. The afternoon talk is at 1. I hope this helps.

  3. I just looked at the Better Brew coffee house website. It is a bit confusing, but if you check closely, it says the book club meeting is at 6 and the talk is at 7. See you there.

  4. Hi, Kent,
    I just finished The Girl who Sang …
    Thank you for three wonderful books. I understand that they speak important truths. I note that there are listed as biography and as nonfiction in some places and the director of “our” film (we sent $30!) spoke about your novel. Is Dan a Lakota elder or does he represent composite wisdom?

    I hope we will have an opportunity to meet. My husband and I have spent 43 summers in the Black Hills and are so glad you are filming on Pine Ridge.

    Linda & Dwight Vogel

    PS We are retired professors and I taught Christian education and gerontology at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary.

  5. Please go to my post of April 22, 2010. It addresses the issue in some depth. As theologians, you will understand more than most when I say that I used the model of the gospel narratives when I constructed the books. In fact, you may notice that Neither Wolf nor Dog actually has within it the general narrative shape of the synoptic gospels. Overall, I look at them as religious teaching texts — the categories of fiction and non-fiction being as ill suited to address them as those categories are in discussing any religious text. Read the April 22 post. See what you think.

  6. Thanks for referring us to your 4/22/2010 blog. What a wonderful essay that rings true to us. I hadn’t made the connection with the synoptic gospels and other sacred texts but it makes perfect sense! I’m going to refer folks to this blog in my blog–some of my colleagues may find it useful. My coolagues and I taught a course called “Teaching for Biblical Faith” which seems to me to get at the heart of your books–it’s not so much about teaching about the Bible as it is about encountering God (by whatever name).

    I believe you achieved your goal with authenticity and passion. Thank you!

    When I finished “Neither Dog nor Wolf” I felt like we were soul friends. If you find time to check our website and my blog, I’d be interested in your response.
    It is http://www.mystagogy.info


  7. Kent, we were planning on driving 6 hours to see you on Monday, and my husband is still very sick from a cold, so we weren’t able to make it …. I’m so disappointed-and I jsust read Laurane Bailey’s post to you, about Madison, Wisconsin, and I sure hope that can be arranged because that’s only 3 hours from our place in Wisconsin… and also 3 hours from our hometown… so if you ‘do’ speak there, I imagine you will let us all know ? Thanks….

  8. The Madison talk is only a hope at this point. A more likely possibility near you is a talk in Cedar Falls, Iowa, that is under discussion. I’ve spoken there before and had a wonderful time. I’m hopeful of making it happen again. Keep an eye to my website. I will make sure to post announcements of any upcoming events. Sorry you couldn’t make the event in Pine Island. And, good health to your husband. I hope he is on the mend.

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