5 thoughts on “Sample chapter from Dancing with the Gods — The Slamming Door: The Pain and Challenge of Rejection”

  1. It must seem lonely when no one answers but, really, you captured all of the emotion, the disappointment, the self-doubt that an artist experiences when receiving a rejection, whether written, verbally, or simply by someone’s glance at a work and the turning away. I hope, seeing it from the other side, I will be more sensitive to someone’s feelings during art festivals. Your advice on moving forward is well-stated.

  2. Thank you Kent for your grace and wisdom….standing still, staying present as that door slams on our creative offerings, finding our way back to the inner well from which we shimmer in spite of, or maybe in part because of, rejection is so very crucial. You have buoyed me. A big thanks….

  3. Thank you, Kent. Your words about rejection are so very encouraging to me, and apply to all reative endeavors.

  4. It is wonderful to have people who have gained so much insights, who are willing to share their deep and honest emotions and who are able to do it in such an elegant and loving way. This book gives good advice and courage and will strengthen all people who are on the stony way to live a fulfilled an extraordinary live.

  5. Thank you for taking the time to comment about this as-yet little known book of mine. If you happen to see this response, would you be kind enough to put the same comment on Amazon? It would help others find the book.

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