A wise woman named Robyn Sand Anderson just posted this in the blog comments as a possible theme of unification for those of us trying to make common cause for a better world in the face of what just happened. I love it. If it were within my power, I would plant it here and make it grow. But I am but one person, and none can say why some seeds grow and some do not. But this is a good seed. And it is a gesture of creativity in defiance of our collective shock and despair.

Thank you, Robyn. And to the rest of us, imagine the marchers for Black Lives Matter and the protesters at the pipeline and those meeting in the churches and those tweeting to their friends all doing so under the banner of “Our Children, Our Future.” Imagine it as a mantra rather than the traditional prayer at a religious family’s dinner. Imagine someone saying it from the pulpit and someone writing it in a zine.

Imagine it alive in our hearts as we move out from the shock of this dark moment.

Of such small things will our healing be made and a positive future shaped. A thousand flowers, my friends, a thousand flowers. Pick yourselves up and start to fix this mess, whether it is at your tables, in the streets, or in your tweets and blogs. Robyn’s phrase may not become a rallying cry. But maybe it will. And no matter what, she’s planting a flower, not staring blankly at the ashes. We’ve got to stand up. Our children need us. The future needs us. This is our time, because, for the first time in recent memory, we are united. Now we need to make the unification around a hope and a dream, not a common anger and dread.


This is an exciting time to be a caring American if we can find a common voice.

8 thoughts on “OUR CHILDREN, OUR FUTURE”

  1. Thank you Kent for sharing these words of wisdom. I do healing work and it is a struggle some days to know how to continue to move the light forward into what seems like growing darkness in our world. I truly believe that we bring into our life and reality what we focus on. I refuse to believe in a dark world of hate and violence. Your words help me keep my eye on what is important and what we need to hold in the light of love. Many blessings to you for the wonderful work you do in this world. In unity! Laurie

  2. I love this. And I agree. Maybe that’s the name for the new movement that I feel we need to come together in. Whether nationally or locally, yet really, globally. Let’s harness our collective feelings into positive, peaceful and loving action.

  3. Thank you, Kent. Actually, there was a wiser woman behind my #OurChildrenOurFuture. She sent me your post about uniting under a banner of hope. She knew I needed your words to lift me up. We worked on the idea together. Her name is Anne Ratka Heilman. She is a gentle and kind woman who knew what I needed. Thanks for your words. It helps. I hope this #OurChildrenOurFuture goes virile, for the sake of our children’s future.

  4. Kent, thank you so much for this thoughtful article. We need to find a bridge over this massive divide in our country. Our children our future.

  5. Our children, our future. I’m on board!
    I keep thinking of these two great quotes — the first from Napoleon Hill, the second from the Bhagavad Gita:

    “Within every adversity is the seed of an equal or greater benefit.”

    “Even in the knocks of life we can find great gifts.”

  6. I am not an American, but agree wholeheartedly with the comments. It could be applied anywhere in the world, especially when I look at how my government treats refugee children specifically and refugees in general.

  7. Kent, thank you for trying. I wish I could summon something that helps me share your optimism, at least in some small way. Big money has such a grip on life in the US, it controls every aspect of our existence except for our minds.

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