No politics in this; just a heartfelt request for an honest opinion, especially from those of you who have a warm spot for Small Graces.
As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve turned my attention to another small book that will serve as the third in a series that includes Simple Truths and Small Graces. There is some discussion within the publishing house about what to use as a title.
Here, then, is the question:
Would you be more inclined to buy a book called, Sacred Moments — The Hidden Beauty of Ordinary Days, or Illuminations — The Hidden Beauty of Ordinary Days?
If you feel like providing reasons for your choice, please do so.
Keep in mind that this will be a book very much on the line of Small Graces. It will be made up of stories about everyday moments where the light of the spiritual shines through the ordinary.
I look forward to your responses and will share the outcome with all of you.