David Crumm, the long time editor of Read the Spirit and one of America’s most respected observers of American Religion has just published a wonderful piece on my quiet, poetic literary child, Native Echoes: Listening to the Spirit of the Land.
If you want to know why I care so deeply about this book, David’s words will help you understand.
And if you’d like to purchase a copy, which I hope you do, you can buy autographed copies from wolfnordog.com. You can also order it from your local independent or Amazon.
This book comes closer than anything else to revealing why I do what I do, and David articulates it artfully.
Every time I read a review about one of your books or read anything about your books–I want to go back and reread them all again ! What a glowing review of your book ! I enjoyed NATIVE ECHOES just as much as all of your other gems !! Please never stop writing Mr. Nerburn ! I think today I will watch for the 10th time NEITHER WOLF NOR DOG !
Hey Kent
I’ve kept up with several of your stories and books over the past couple of years because I adopted a Lakota girl. I’ve been moved by the Spirit when reading your words and wanted to contact you. I am making a trip with my family to the Lakota territory at the end of March and wanted to see if you had any available time to meet and talk. I realize that’s a very large and laughable request but I thought I would give it a try. Thanks Kent
I’m in Oregon, far from Lakota country, though I was just back there this week. I’m traveling at the end of March. Tell me where you will be. Though I’m a moving target, perhaps our paths could cross.
Dear Kent,
I have read the trilogy about Dan and his search for information about Yellow Bird and the Nec Perce book. I could hardly put each book down to eat or sleep. All of your book have brought me to tears. Dan’s stories are all messages we should listen to, take to heart, and try to make some changes in our culture. I have been studying Native Culture and Dances for many years. I did my dissertation on the Sunrise Dance of the White Mountain Apache and lived on the reservation for five month. Living there I was fortunate to be able to establish friendships with a few of the poeple. Thank you for the books. I am not done reading your books yet. I hope to be able to attend a talk of your’s someday and maybe to talk to you about all that you have learned. What I have read has touched my heart.