
The Girl who Sang to the Buffalo is a finalist for the Minnesota Book Award

My latest literary child, The Girl who Sang to the Buffalo, has been chosen as a finalist for the 2014 Minnesota Book Award in the category of Memoir and Creative non-fiction. This is always an honor, because it means your home folks appreciate your work.

I’m really warming to this book. As with every book, when it first came out I had no idea if it had the capacity to speak to readers. But something about this book is receiving a very different response from anything else I’ve ever written. There is something close to gratitude in the responses I have been getting. It’s hard to explain, but is very humbling.

I’m curious to hear your thoughts on the issue. What is it in this book that is eliciting such a unique response? You can write me directly, or leave comments here. I’m going to try to blog a bit more from now on, so keep your eyes open for updates. And if you haven’t read The Girl who Sang to the Buffalo, please do so. I think it has something important to offer.

The Girl who Sang to the Buffalo is a finalist for the Minnesota Book Award Read More »

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