A few shots of South Dakota

Badlands_Panorama_by_heatiscool.jpgI know I’ve been on a summer hiatus, and I thank you all for coming back periodically. I thought, in lieu of writing something new, I’d take the lazy summertime route of offering you a photo that my son, Nik, took while we were on our journey to the Badlands and Pine Ridge. There are stories aplenty — mostly good — and I hope to share a few with you in the coming weeks. But for now I hope this photo gives you a flavor of the beauty of this magical land that too few people take the time to visit.

And, by the way, for those of you who have read Neither Wolf nor Dog, this is the territory I spoke of in the course of the narrative.

1 thought on “A few shots of South Dakota”

  1. Christine M. Baker

    A dear friend of mine passed over 2 years ago. She grew up in South Dakota not far from the Badlands and Black Hills.

    As a final gift from her I inheirited her love of the area. To date I have yet to visit South Dakota and this photo will serve as a visual reminder of what awaits my soul when I am able to see South Dakota for myself.

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