25th Anniversary edition of Neither Wolf nor Dog

I’m pleased to announce that a 25th Anniversary Edition of Neither Wolf nor Dog, with a new foreword by my friend, Robert Plant, will be published in early September.  If you’d like to pre-order a signed copy, contact wolfnordog.com.  I love the new cover and am thrilled that it now opens with Robert’s heartfelt and poetic foreword.

10 thoughts on “25th Anniversary edition of Neither Wolf nor Dog”

  1. My favorite book, my favorite author and my favorite musician all rolled up in one awesome edition!!??? YES!!!

  2. thank you for this book, love it so much, have loaned to friends many times over so i feel a new copy is due!

  3. Bill Dobrenen


    This book changed my life and the lives of many of my students. Thank you for your great work. So excited for this new edition of “Neither Wolf Nor Dog.” 25 years! Amazing! Congratulations, my dear friend!

  4. Just finished the trilogy…life changingly insightful…on who we are….and who we arent. Ready to go back and read them all again. Thank you seems much too simple…but as I learned….simple with truth is enough

  5. Lorie Hoekstra

    I started reading this book a couple of days ago and am fully immersed! A friend loaned it to me in preparation for a trip I am taking with my church to Pineridge Indian reservation in South Dakota next month. Looking forward to finish reading this book and the two that come after it.

  6. Sharon Kay Beyer

    Just finished reading this book moments ago, and needed to reach out to tell you, my eyes are opened and I am grateful for your words and sharing this incredible Truth. I’ll be getting a new signed copy. Blessings from one who sees…

  7. Thank you, Sharon, for taking the time to write. I hope you will also seek out the two follow-ups to Neither Wolf nor Dog, The Wolf at Twilight and The Girl who Sang to the Buffalo. They carry Dan’s story further.

  8. I have no access to the DVD. The 25th Anniversary edition is of the book. That can be purchased through any of the standard book outlets, including wolfnordog.com if you want an autographed copy. I hope this works.

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